Monday, December 17, 2007

Prophet's Words make Muslims Intolerant

Sometime back I had written an article bringing out that intolerance against other religions is in- built in Islam leading to violent extremism by its adherents. This could be eradicated by none other than someone whom Muslims consider a part of Almighty Allah , just like Christians assumed Jesus Christ as son of God and he subtly altered and diluted the sacred Old Commandments . My article was not published by Hindustan Times, perhaps due to some kind of assumed blesphemy.
In todays( 17.12.2007) times of India a letter to the editor has been published reinforcing one of the basic facts based on which I had reached the above conclusion.
I quote
"I write this with reference to " Why The Devout Muslim Performs The Haj" ( Speaking Tree Dec 5) by S.Mazhar Nawaz. The writer quotes the Prophet that " Islam is built upon five pillars: testifying that there is no true God except Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah...."

Since in the Islamic concept , there is no true God except Allah, the tolerance of Islamic followers towards gods of all other religions of the world is the minimal and it creates a situation wherein it is Islam versus all other religions and their gods.Perhaps this is the reason the followers of Islam the world over are mostly intolerant and more prone to fundamentalism and violence."
- Radha Raman , Delhi

Submitted by R.K.Singhal

1 comment:

Arsalan said...

I write this in the reference of the responce of the article "Why the devout muslim perform the HAJ "(speeking tree Dec 05) by S.Mazhar from some people specially Radha Raman
and want to explain them...belif of muslim in "Laailaha illallah muhammadur-rasulallah" (meaning there is no god worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is the massenger of allah) don't make muslims intolerable to other religions..... but this belif makes muslim more tolerable toward other religions.
The vast majestic universe withits flawless system clearly indicate that there is one creator and one supreme controller.
When we think about the unique system and perfect order of the universe, we find there is no conflict , the sun the moon the galaxy obey the same supereme authority. there is complete harmoney in the system.
If there is more rthan one creator and controller of the planet, then it would lead conflict and chaos.
The efficient running of the school, the steering of a car or a ship, calls for one head master, one driver and one captain. No single intitution can be run without conflict and chaos with more than one leader.
Only by belif in oneness of god and that is Allah one can dedicate oneself fully towards the path shown to oneself and revealed by the massengers of Allah and Muhammad(pbuh), who is the last among them. And to belif in Allah a beliver must first cleanse his heart of any othr god or any other object of worship and only then faith of oneness of Allah cab take root in his heart. for example- suppose we have a peace of land full of weed and bushes where we want to produce wheat. Now if we sow very good quality of wheat seeds in the land without first cleanning it, we cannot hope wheat crop out of the weed and bushes..So what a muslim must be do to have a strong belif?
"Laailaha illallah muhammadur-rasulallah" only by knowing one line from cannot conclude its whole meaning until and unless one have deep knowledge of context. And criticisim and blamingon on the basis of little knowledge is not good. Quran teach us, we muslims that be tolerant toward each and every person irrespective of there religion and not hurt anyone... and even Allah not pardon that person who hurt any other person until unless the sufferer self not pardon that person.
So, please dont blame on our(who love him) Muhammad(pbuh).