Friday, August 12, 2016

Raw Nature

                                                                                                      RAW NATURE
Nature is universal and simple as it follows its rules and regulations implicitly. One can fathom it provided sufficient knowledge is available. There is continuous relative movement in universe, with all its parts spinning round their axes and rotating, and are rigidly bound. Parts unable to follow rules stumble and disintegrate into energy to turn into matter later. One wonders how the universe came into being when initially, at some stage, space was totally empty, without any energy and matter. How was the first sub-atomic particle created from nothing and then atoms and molecules grew so much that galaxies one after the other grew, and are still growing, in endless space so easily? How this enormous matter came into being?
Another much greater wonder is how life was created out of inert matter. Our scientists have surmised that life arrived about 3.8 billion years ago. They researched exhaustively on about 2000 genes of microbes. They realized that the three domains of life, which include bacteria, archaea, as well as eukaryotes like plants and animals, came into being separately. Was there a common ancestor is in doubt and is a puzzle yet. What is obvious is that scientists have used the same mould for both animals and man as organs, and their locations are similar. Did we really evolve from monkeys as the theory of evolution suggests? In that case there should have been no monkeys left to suffer. Puzzle of life continues.
A simple and easy solution of origin is readily available in some religious scriptures. God created Himself and then the universe and life. A few dared to wonder as to how God created Himself out of nothing. They readily accepted imagining a formless God in mind as God’s help was indeed needed by helpless humanity, but doubted the existence of a physical God. Some intelligent people probed the entity of God further. It was believed that all creations and actions of God are flawless and perfect. They observed that while the human female body was flawless, male body had defects. Males have breast and nipples for which they have no use. Male organs are stitched to the body later as a modification. This alteration appears to be an essential necessity and logical afterthought. This implied that the male body was created by trial and error method, not by God in one go, but by scientists who had tremendous mental powers and wherewithal, and had unearthed and mastered the secrets of chemical memory. It is obvious that originally the human body was all female. Females could produce only female babies by cloning. After a very long period it was observed that the human population was decreasing due to disease magnifying same genes. Need was felt for cross-fertilization. Male body was suitably modified. Breast and nipples were left as they were no handicap in any function.
Doubts persisted and still persist in the very concept of God. People could not understand as to why this universe and life was at all created. We may never know the purpose of this creation. However nothing of this magnitude could happen without a distinct and clear objective. We have no means yet to know it. Perhaps life came into being all by chance. Yet, how it developed into vegetation, animals, birds, marine life and finally human beings? All kinds of life had enough food among themselves and a perfect coordinated existence. This is not possible without intelligent external manipulation.   
Thus, doubts would persist in the human mind till information of the past is retrieved and true origins of the universe and life are discovered. Human mind has then to find the purpose and objective of the creation. Wisdom demands that till then we follow the dictates of our conscience to lead a peaceful life and let others live their lives too.