Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Inevitability Of Death

Inevitability of Death

Death is the only certainty in this life. That is the only Truth. Yet no one wants it to be even mentioned. It is so scary that it is better forgotten. The very thought of leaving this world all alone and empty without any support and not knowing what awaits us is itself frightening. One has to prepare for this happening in time much before the end like any other event so that the parting is easy and natural.
In Vedic philosophy death is a transition from one body to another. The soul which is indestructible departs from one body to enter another depending upon the ‘karmas’. Perhaps the next life may not be an extension of what we are living today .It undergoes
uncountable transitions before finally returning to human body to begin the cycle again.again . Even those souls which have got ‘Moksh’ would after a long long period would return to human body This way the world would never be empty of human beings.
The uncertainty of life should create a sense of urgency in us to complete the tasks we have undertaken at the earliest treating every day as special as it could be the last.
There should be no sorrow as we should enjoy every moment of our life and also ensure that we let other human beings enjoy theirs. Our hearts should be warm and humane to all other living beings.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Don't quit, do your best

Don’t quit, do your Best
( Martina Navratilova )

Know how good you are and what your limit is and you are satisfied that you did your best .Lead by example and you will be able to achieve lot more and make a difference to people’s lives and ways.
But just kind of coasting won’t inspire anybody. Athletes just do not quit until they get it right ,whether it is shooting free throws or practicing serves or practicing one particular shot. It is getting up when you don’t feel like getting up for your training session ; it is going to bed early even though you want to go out with your friends, it is only drinking half a beer when you really want to drink two. Everything it takes to get to your goal- That’s the mentality of an athlete or a successful human being. Period.